Catalogs, data sheets and industry brochures

eddyNCDT - Inductive sensors (eddy current)

capaNCDT - Capacitive sensors

optoNCDT - Laser sensors

confocalDT - Confocal sensors

Interferometers (white light)

optoNCDT ILR - Laser distance sensors

induSENSOR - Inductive sensors (LVDT)

mainSENSOR - Magneto-inductive sensors

wireSENSOR - Draw-wire sensors

inertialSENSOR - Rotation speed sensors

reflectCONTROL / surfaceCONTROL - 3D sensors

optoCONTROL ODC - Optical precision micrometer

scanCONTROL - Laser profile scanners

thermoMETER - Infrared temperature measurement

thermoIMAGER - Thermal imaging cameras (TIM)

colorSENSOR / colorCONTROL - Color measuring systems, color sensors and LED Analyzers

Industrial endoscopes

optoCONTROL CLS - Fiber optic sensors

Interface and signal processing units

Measuring systems

Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik
Königbacher Str. 15
94496 Ortenburg, Germany
+49 8542 / 168 - 0
+49 8542 / 168 - 90