Automated dimensional accuracy inspection of sheet metal plates


The dimensional accuracy of sheet metal can be checked using a Dimensionics measuring table equipped with precise laser profile sensors from Micro-Epsilon. In an automated process, the sensors check the width, length, angle, straightness, deflection and planarity of the sheet blanks. The entire testing process takes place in just a few seconds.

The Dimensionics Disionic Sheet Control measuring table enables fully automatic dimensional accuracy testing of sheet metal. Here, the manufacturer relies on precise laser profile sensors from Micro-Epsilon. The sensors check the sheet metal blanks precisely and reliably for correct width, length, angle, straightness, deflection (convex/concave) and the planarity of the sheet edges.

Two scanCONTROL 3000 laser profile scanners are mounted on the XY table and perform the measurement task. Each scanner works with a measuring range of 25 mm and is guided over two edges in the X or Y direction of the sheets. With the Blue Laser technology used, the sensors achieve maximum precision and reliable results on the demanding metallic surfaces.

Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik
Königbacher Str. 15
94496 Ortenburg, Germany
+49 8542 / 168 - 0
+49 8542 / 168 - 90