Precise sensors with temperature compensation
Temperature fluctuations are one of the critical factors that influence the accuracy of measurement results. In particular, the measurement results of displacement sensors that work at resolutions in the micrometer range are affected by temperature fluctuations. Numerous displacement sensors from Micro-Epsilon actively compensate for temperature, providing precise measurement results.
In terms of temperature fluctuations, there are basically two factors that influence the measurement signal. These are mechanical changes, where the geometric dimensions of the sensor and the target change in the form of extension or contraction. Alternatively, there are electrical influences that have a greater impact than mechanical changes. In this case, the electromagnetic characteristics also change. Micro-Epsilon is a sensor specialist in high precision distance measurement and uses active temperature compensation in order to improve temperature stability. In complex processes, the effects of temperature fluctuations are accounted for. Especially the eddyNCDT eddy current displacement sensors (-40°C to more than 200°C) and the capaNCDT capacitive displacement sensors (-270°C to + 200°C) are robust against temperature fluctuations and operate with high precision even under extreme conditions.The innovative design and active temperature compensation provide these sensors with an extremely high temperature stability.
The technical specifications from different manufacturers often do not show if their systems are temperature compensated. They only provide indications of temperature ranges for operation and/or storage. It is therefore important to consider temperature compensation and, if necessary, to ask the sensor supplier for details, as temperature is a key factor for successful measurements.