Measurement of the torsional stiffness of motor axles

A decisive factor for the service life and reliability of an engine is the torsional strength of the engine axle. In order to determine the torsional resistance, INC5701 inclination sensors detect the twisting of the axis at a defined torsion. For this purpose, two inclination sensors from Micro-Epsilon are mounted in a transverse direction at both ends of the horizontally aligned axis. One end of the motor axis is firmly fixed. The other end is subjected to torsion using a hydraulic device. The two inclination sensors continuously record the twisting of the axle in relation to the torsion applied and provide precise measurement results.

Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik
Königbacher Str. 15
94496 Ortenburg, Germany
+49 8542 / 168 - 0
+49 8542 / 168 - 90